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 15 results in yourPeople - Relatedsearch for"St John the Baptist"Advanced Search
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Peace, 1872. Creator: Louis Gallait.
Salome Asking Herod for the Head of Saint John the Baptist, 1455/60. Creator: Giovanni di Paolo.
The Visitation, in or after 1630. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Visitation, in or after 1630. Creator: Jacques Callot.
Sts. Vitus, Modestus, & Crescentia; Sts. Julitta & Quiricus; St. Avitus, Abbot; St. E. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Visitation, c. 1631. Creator: Jacques Callot.
The Visitation, c. 1504. Creator: Albrecht Durer.
The Visitation, ca. 1516. Creator: Lucas van Leyden.
The Angel Appearing to Zacharias, 1799-1800. Creator: William Blake.
Herodias, before 1635. Creator: Francesco Cairo.
'Omaiyade, the Grand Mosque of Damascus, Syria', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
'Philipp I. Herzog Von Orleans', (1933).  Creator: Unknown.
'Ruins near Machaerus', c1900. Artist: Unknown.
'A scene from St John the Bapiste', Detail, c1500-1540. Artist: Francesco Granacci
'The Agony in the Garden', 1527-1530.  Artist: Pieter Coecke van Aelst